Jeff Lyons and Betty the Weather Cat Illustration


  • Fun

I grew up watching 14 News with my parents, and Jeff Lyons has been the lead meteorologist as long as I can remember. I'm convinced he doesn't age because he looks and sounds the same as he did when I was a kid. He may be an alien or a sophisticated, weather-predicting robot with a sense of humor and wit. His consistent, calming voice and presence makes him similar to a local Mr. Rogers. Of course he and his charming cat, Betty, were the ones to make 14 News viewers feel a little better during a global pandemic. During quarantine in the spring of 2020, Jeff working from home with a green screen to broadcast the weather. His cat, Betty, joined him on air almost by accident. Then the viewers couldn't get enough of her. Viewers tuned in globally to see Jeff and Betty on our local news station. Several articles were written about them in various media outlets. This illustration kicked off the official Betty the Weather Cat instagram account, and it was mentioned as fan art in the New York Times.

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